Lab Introduction

The artificial intelligence and machine vision (AIMV) Lab was established in 2017 to conduct AI-related research and applications, which mainly focus on computer vision, image/video processing, pattern recognition, robotics, computational intelligence, and machine learning. Currently, AIMV Lab comprises 6 faculties, 2 post doctors, 12 PhD candidates, and more than 50 Master students, which is an interdisciplinary research team including researchers from mathematics, computer engineering, electronic and control engineering, and mechanical engineering. We have undertaken more than 10 projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Department of Science & Technology, Hubei Province, the Department of Education, Hubei Province, and other industrial projects. We have published more than 400 papers in premium journals and conferences such as IEEE Trans. Image Processing, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. More than 20 China patents have been granted.

Latest Achievements
